​Email: mkumar4_at_ua_dot_edu
Phone: +1-205-348-0180
Address: 1064 Cyber Hall
248 Kirkbride Ln, Tuscaloosa,
​ AL 35401

– New: PhD and post-doc opportunities in Hydrology/Environmental data analytics available!! For PhD, apply here, for post-doc apply here.
– Sep. 2024, Lokendra’s paper titled “Divergent changes in crop yield drought risk due to droughts over time in the US” published in Environmental Research Letters. Congratulations Lokendra!
– Mar. 2024, Kaustubh’s paper titled “Imprint of urbanization on snow precipitation over the continental USA” published in Nature Communications. Congratulations Kaustubh!

Mukesh is an integrated hydrologist. Together with his research group, he delves into the study of hydrologic processes and their interactions in different parts of the hydrologic continuum, viz., subsurface, surface, snow, plants, and atmosphere. Their overarching research goal is to improve the prediction and understanding of hydrologic processes, and better assess the impacts of water availability and quality on people and the environment. To this end, his recent research spans across the following three themes:
        (a) Enhancing hydrologic understanding (e.g., ESR22ERL22WRR22ERL21HP20NCC20HP19JHM16EMS16JHM15JGR14JGR13AWR13);
      (b) Advancing hydrologic predictions through identification of limitations in current prediction frameworks (e.g., AFM24WRR24WRR22SREP19SREP18HP19JH19HP18AWR13JGR16AWR12), and subsequently upgrading them (e.g., PIHMVZJ09EMS16PNAS17JHHE15EMS14).
                   (c) Hydrologic impact assessment of geoenvironmental change on people (JAFR24ERL24GRL23CC19HP17), and environment [both natural (e.g., NC24, ​NCC19WRR18HESS17PNAS17WRR16GRL16GRL12) and built (e.g., PLoS22WCS22)].  

Biography: Mukesh’s Bio
Focus Areas: Integrated Hydrology, Hydrologic Processes, Watershed Hydrology, Snow Hydrology, Ecohydrology, Wetlands, Numerical Modeling.
Research Sponsors: ALDOT, DOE, NASA, NOAA, NSF, ​NVIDIA, USGS.

​Selected Projects:

Can current stomatal conductance models accurately predict evapotranspiration? (@WRR24)

Did climate differences drive contrasting trajectories of corn acreage in the US Midwest and Southeast (@JAFR24)

Are current evaporative stress indices representative of plant stress? (@AFM24)

Are risks to crop yields from droughts becoming more severe over time? (@ERL24)

Can urbanization impact snow vs. rain partitioning? (@NC24)

How will irrigation expansion impact precipitation and water scarcity (@ERL24ERL23)

To what extent the inundation dynamics impacts wetland function (@ W23ERL23

Can hydrologic states and fluxes be obtained using calibration-free methods? (@WRR22ERL21)

How does rainfall impact road traffic and accident risks (@PLoS22WCS22)

How forest mortality risks will be affected by changes in precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and CO2? (@PNAS17

Parsimonious methods to obtain evapotranspiration partition: When and where are they effective? (@WRR22)

How to correct for groundwater recharge from Water Table Fluctuation method in cases of evapotranspiration from groundwater (@WRR22)

Do existing land surface models appropriately account for the relative role of soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit on evapotranspiration? (@NCC20)

How does soil moisture impact soil cohesion? (@ESR22)

Can we predict forest mortality much before the symptoms (such as foliage discoloration or leaf fall) appear? (@NCC19)

Why location of groundwater-fed wetlands can still be predicted using topography-based indices  (@HP19)

What triggered wetland consolidation in Prairie Pothole Region? (@WRR18)

​Can the inter-annual groundwater dynamics of inland wetlands be predicted by only using widely-available precipitation and potential evapotranspiration data? (@WRR16)

​ How is annual streamflow peak from snow dominated watersheds affected by climate warming? (@GRL16)  

Can more extreme precipitation regime negate the impact of climate warming on seasonal snow peak? (@GRL12)

What is the source of varied performance of different sediment models? (@SREP19)

​How well can rainfall erosivity and soil moisture explain the daily suspended sediment yield from watersheds? (@EMS16)

​How does antecedent soil moisture and evapotranspiration affect flood response to hurricane storms? (@JHM15)

How does groundwater and snowpack depth affect the diurnal peak time of streamflow from snow dominated watersheds? (@JHM16)

​ Is there an optimal tree density that minimizes seasonal net radiation on the forest floor? (@JGR13A ; JGR13B)

 Is seasonal net radiation in the forest gap larger or smaller than rest of the forest? (@JGR14)

 Can annual soil evaporation from snow dominated watersheds decrease with increasing annual precipitation? (@AWR13)

What are the dominant modes of precipitation, temperature and streamflow in Colorado River Basin (@JofH09)

 How do representations of snow melt and accumulation processes affect distributed hydrologic response? (@AWR13)

Should the precipitation phase be determined based on thresholds of air temperature, dew point temperature, or wet-bulb temperature? (@AWR13)

How does coupling strategy affect overland and subsurface flow simulations (@WRR14)

Can nested discretization reduce the time needed for 
hydrologic model calibration and simulation, while ensuring similar accuracy? (@SREP18)

To what extent partitioning strategy of the model domain affect speedup of parallel hydrologic models? (@JHHE16)

​How does aquifer anisotropy affect the groundwater flow field? (@VZJ09)