- Urbanization Influence on Snow Precipitation [AWI News].
- Hydroplaning Risks Greater in Southern US [AWI News].
- UA To Train Needed Workforce for Water Operations and Forecasting [UA News].
- UA-Led Study of Southeastern Groundwater Assists Water Management [UA News].
- Dry air drives overlooked changes in how plants drink and breathe [Phys.org, Sciencedaily, Mundoagropecuario].
- Current climate models underestimate how plants should ration their water use in droughts [Cope.es].
- Dry air alters the way plants respond to droughts [Earth.com].
- Predicting Plant Water Needs in a Warmer, Drier World [UA News].
- UA to study effects of rain-fed to irrigation-fed transition on food water energy nexus in the deep south [UA News, NBC WVTM 13].
- Scientists may now be able to predict forest die-off up to 19 months in advance [PBS].
- Foretelling Forest Death from Above [EOS].
- Using loss of resilience as an early warning signal to predict the likelihood of forest mortality [Phys.org].
- How satellite data can help us save struggling forests [ZmeScience].
- A bird's eye view of forests can predict their demise earlier [Cosmos].
- Researchers develop tool to diagnose dying forests [SciGlow].
- Spotting the signs of forest death [ScitechEuropa].
- Researchers predict forest dying [Spektrum].
- Some trees can withstand stress for a long time [Welt].
- UA researcher finds early warning system for forest drought [FOX/6WBRC].
- Loss of Resilience May Be Early Warning of Forest’s Death [Courthouse News].
- UA to lead study on farming in Deep South [NBC/WVTM].
- UA engineering professor receives Mahatma Gandhi Award [UA-ENG].
- Drying Wetlands [SRS Science Communications].
- Higher temperature and more CO2 is good for trees, but overall climate change will damage forests [ZmeScience].
- How forests balance the books in a changing climate? [ArsTechnica].
- When a tree falls in the forest, what’s the impact on water resources? [NSF Discovery, Phys.org]